Elite competition for non-league football clubs Limited to 100 tickets per club Level Playing Field First Draw Friday 1st August 2025 Guarenteed Winner Every Week Elite competition for non-league football clubs Limited to 100 tickets per club Level Playing Field First Draw Friday 1st August 2025 Guarenteed Winner Every Week

Head In The Game

Supporting mental health through football programmes

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Head In The Game

Supporting mental health through football programmes

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Tackling the stigma.

Head In The Game is a UK registered charity that offers the invaluable opportunity for people in the local community to unite and indulge in the sport they love. These weekly sessions, provided free of charge, cater to anyone between the ages of 18-65, regardless of their footballing ability.


of participants said they felt mentally stronger after sessions


of participants reported being happier at the end of 12 weeks


of participants said they would recommend to a friend

Why Head In The Game

BTBUK are committed to Mental Health

At BTBUK, we’re proud to partner with Head In The Game (HITG) because their mission aligns perfectly with our commitment to our members’ well-being. We understand the importance of mental health and tackling the stigma that surrounds it. HITG’s innovative football programmes provide a supportive environment for open discussions and equip individuals with tools to manage their mental health. These programmes are a valuable resource for our members, and we believe they can make a real difference in their lives.

A percentage of each weeks cash prize, will be donated to ensure HITG can continue their efforts to improving Mental Health in the UK.

If you are looking for more information on HITG, please contact info@headinthegame.co.uk.


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